Reducing Stress and Building Resilience
in our Learners

January 26th, 2023 12p-1:00p ET

Reducing Stress and Building Resilience in our Learners

Platform: Zoom

Presenters:  J. Kim Penberthy, Ph.D., ABPP

Building resilience in the face of ongoing stress is imperative in today’s mental healthcare and healthcare environment. This seminar discusses the impact of stress over time on learners in the area of healthcare and mental healthcare, including psychologists. The stress continuum as presented in the stress first aid research literature is reviewed and described, along with its role in stress first aid and strategies for building resilience. The five human needs that must be addressed during times of ongoing stress are provided and reviewed as well as multiple strategies to help address these needs. Strategies to address these human needs in the times of stress and how these skills help build resilience in learners are presented and reviewed.

Learning Objectives:

1.       Define resilience to stress and its components

2.       Describe the stress continuum and name the four color coded zones

3.       List the five human needs in times of stress

4.       Describe strategies to help promote resilience and wellbeing that grow out of these needs

 Targeted audience are clinical and health psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, social workers, who interact with, supervise or teach learners. This is a beginning to intermediate level program.

CE Credits Available: 1

Attendees must attend the entirety of the program and complete the Evaluation sent after the program.  Evaluations will be sent via email shortly after the Live webinar.  CE Certificates will be processed and emailed within 5 – 10 business days from Live Webinar.

Cost: Free for Members and $20 for Non-Members (NOTE: Members must be signed in to get the discounted rate. If you have trouble signing in, contact us).

Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be provided except when APAHC/SCP cancels the webinar.

Presenter Bio: Jennifer “Kim” Penberthy, Ph.D., ABPP is the Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, where she conducts research, teaches, provides clinical care, and promotes clinician and learner wellbeing. Dr. Penberthy is the Associate Director for the UVA Clinician Wellbeing Program as well as a founding member of the Wisdom & Wellbeing Program that addresses both systems and individual occupational challenges in the healthcare setting. She is the Co-Director of the Effective Coping and Communication Skills for Clinicians Program, a national CME approved offering. She is a member of the UVA Contemplative Sciences Center, the UVA Academy of Distinguished Educators, the UVA Leadership in Academic Matters Program, and is a Fellow of Humanism in Medicine at the University of Virginia. Dr. Penberthy is also a member of the UVA Diversity Consortium and past chair of APA Division 12 Diversity Committee. She is a fellow in the APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology and currently serving on the advisory committee for the American Psychological Association Continuing Education Committee after being chair. She past-president of the International Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) Society and President-Elect of the APA Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12). Dr. Penberthy has published extensively on clinician wellbeing and lectures nationally and internationally on psychotherapy with a focus on mindfulness-based interventions, and clinician and learner health and wellbeing. Her most recent book, co-authored with her daughter, Morgan, is called Living Mindfully Across the Lifespan: An Intergenerational Guide.

Dr. Penberthy nor the Society of Clinical Psychology, Division 12 have commercial support for the content of this webinar including endorsement of products, conflict of interest including but not limited to research grants, royalties for books or training, commercial support from companies or pharmaceutical sponsorship.

If you require any special needs assistance, please contact the SCP Central Office at

Society of Clinical Psychology, Division 12 of APA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Society of Clinical Psychology, Division 12 of APA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.”