Application to Post a Request for Research Participants to the APAHC Listserv

All requests will be evaluated by a committee comprised of a subset of members of the APAHC Research Committee. Unapproved posts are not permitted. To balance the goals of researchers with the purpose and goals of the APAHC listserv, only a limited number of requests are approved each month. Approved applications will consist of research that is consistent with the mission of APAHC and/or will be research in which the members of APAHC are the primary recruitment pool.

The role of APAHC in approving a request to post to its listserv is to provide access to psychologists in academic health centers. Approval to post on the listserv is not an endorsement of the quality or soundness of the research design or methodology, nor its subject matter. If your request is approved, the initial post to the listserv and one follow-up post will be sent by APAHC in digest form once a month with other approved requests. APAHC reserves the right to remove from the listserv any posting that violates the rules or is problematic for any reason